How to make your hands beautiful and smooth: 5 hand care tips that you may have overlooked

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  How to make your hands beautiful. We believe that having beautiful, soft, and touchable hands is something that every woman wants. So, what do you do to make your hands beautiful? We have methods to make your hands soft, along with tips on how to take care of your hands to get beautiful, slender hands to recommend.

How to make your hands beautiful and smooth: 5 hand care tips that you may have overlooked

What do beautiful hands look like?

          Beautiful hands are soft and smooth, not dry and rough, with relatively slender fingers, starting from the base of the finger to the tip in the shape of a candle, with clean skin and healthy nails. But during the time when we have to use alcohol to wash our hands, whether it’s gel or alcohol spray, to kill germs and protect ourselves from the COVID-19 virus, it makes beautiful hands dry and rough, and may even be severe enough to cause cracked skin. This is the ufabet reason why we have to nourish our hands even more in order to regain their original beautiful hands.

5 easy ways to make your hands beautiful that anyone can do

1. Beautiful, slender hands with finger exercises

          Although each person’s physical characteristics are different, hand exercises can help make your hands more slender and beautiful. Here are some ways to exercise your hands:

  • Clenched and Opened – Loosely clenched fists, then opened them as wide as possible until the hands curved towards the back of the hands (like a dance pose). Straighten all the fingers. Repeat 10 times.
  • Interlock and Bend – Bring both hands together, fingers together, turn the back of the hand towards the body, push the palm of the hand forward, hold for 3 seconds, then release. Repeat 10 times.
  • Leverage – Lift your right hand up, turn your palm outward, and use your left hand to grab your right hand crosswise. Leverage and gently pull your right hand toward your body to stretch the side muscles. Hold for 3 seconds, then release. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.
  • Finger Waves – Spread your hands and slowly bring your fingers into your palms, from your thumb to your little finger 10 times, then from your little finger to your thumb 10 more times.

2. How to make your hands soft

          Another definition of beautiful hands is soft, moist, and smooth hands. Caring for and nourishing your hands is an important way to make them soft. You can take care of them as follows:

  • Hands should always be moisturized. After washing your hands, whether with water or alcohol, apply hand cream immediately to lock in moisture and prevent it from evaporating from your hands.
  • Opt for creams instead of lotions, as creams retain moisture better than lotions, and choose fragrance-free ones, as fragrances can irritate or dry out the skin.
  • Choose a hand sanitizer or alcohol spray that contains skin care ingredients such as aloe vera and vitamin E. In addition to killing germs, it also helps nourish the skin, reducing dryness.
  • Wear gloves before going to bed. Because when we sleep, the air may draw moisture from our hands. So before going to bed, apply some hand cream and put on cotton gloves. This method is like a mask for our hands, making them super soft and smooth.

3. How to make your hands white?

          Beautiful hands must also look clean and white. There are many ways to make your hands white and not mottled. It is recommended to do all of them together. Your hands will be white and smooth, looking very attractive.

  • Hand Spa: The skin on the back of our hands is often neglected, especially exfoliation, which makes the skin on the hands look dull and dry. Therefore, doing a hand spa by scrubbing is another way to help cleanse dead skin cells, revealing new skin that is whiter and smoother. The method is to use a scrub of sugar, yogurt and honey, scrub the skin in a circular motion all over the back of the hand down to the fingertips, scrub for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and apply hand cream to retain moisture.
  • Apply sunscreen to your hands. Did you know that UV rays can damage your skin and make it dull? Not only the body and face, but our hands can also become dull from the sun. Especially now that girls like to do gel nails, which requires a UV/LED dryer, the rays from these dryers can make our hands dark. Therefore, you should apply sunscreen to your hands regularly, including before applying nail polish. And you should apply it heavily on your fingers that are directly exposed to the light from the nail dryer.
  • Apply a whitening hand cream. The main function of hand cream is to increase and retain moisture. However, there are many hand creams that have added whitening properties, which will help nourish the skin to look brighter.

4. Dry and peeling hands. How to fix it?

          Dry, peeling hands can be caused by many things, including allergies to chemicals, sunlight, and of course, the main cause these days is frequent hand washing, especially with alcohol, which draws moisture from the skin. Therefore, you should take special care of your hands with the following methods:

  • Soak your hands in warm water. Fill a basin with warm water of the right temperature. You can add lemon juice or honey to help exfoliate and retain moisture. Soak your hands in warm water for 10 minutes, then pat dry and apply hand cream. Do this daily to keep your hands moisturized and the dry, flaky skin will gradually fall off.
  • Massage with Vitamin E Oil: After soaking your hands in warm water and patting them dry, apply a generous amount of Vitamin E oil and massage it into your hands for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off. Vitamin E helps your skin retain moisture. The most readily available and richest oil in Vitamin E is olive oil.
  • Oatmeal helps soften hands. Soak oatmeal in warm water. Once the oatmeal has softened, dip your hands in the bowl of oatmeal and soak for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse and pat dry. Follow with hand cream. Can be used daily.
  • Cucumber helps retain moisture. Slice a cucumber into thick slices and rub it all over your palms and backs of your hands. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Continue massaging with vitamin oil for another 5 minutes. This will help your hands to effectively stop peeling.
  • Aloe vera hand mask: You can use fresh aloe vera or aloe vera gel. Apply a thick layer all over your dry, flaky palms and backs of your hands. Do this before going to bed, then rinse with warm water in the morning. Then apply hand cream at the end. Your hands will be soft and not flaky for sure.

5. Hand care: Change rough hands to soft, touchable hands.

          In addition to dry hands, another problem is rough hands, which makes delicate women like us look manly. Therefore, taking intensive care of your hands to solve rough hands is equally important.

  • Try to avoid hot water. Warm water is better for the skin and helps exfoliate the skin well. However, water that is too hot may not be suitable, especially for people who are in air-conditioned rooms for a long time. When having to use hot water to wash hands, shower or wash dishes, it can make the skin dry, peeling and rough. Therefore, you should avoid using water with a temperature higher than 37 degrees Celsius, which will prevent the skin on your hands from being too damaged.
  • Frequent hand masks: For those with very rough hands, hand masks are important to help nourish your hands intensively. Currently, there are many brands of hand masks to choose from, or you can make your own mask by applying a thick layer of hand cream and putting on gloves soaked in warm water, wringing them out until they are almost dry, and leaving them on for about 10 minutes. Do this every day and your hands will be soft and smooth, and definitely less rough.